Starting your own business is scary as hell. Then throw in a global pandemic right in the middle of your first year right when you are hitting your stride just to make things interesting.
Needless to say, when I thought about the endless “what if’s” before I resigned from the company I was at to start focusing on Jeronimo Creative full-time, a pandemic definitely wasn’t on my list. When the majority of your business focuses on small business branding and family photography, you get a “little” nervous. But, I have been extremely fortunate. Yes, my business took a big hit, but there was a silver lining. I have been able to meet some amazing people through this that I never would have in other circumstances - both clients and new friends that have helped support me and my business in countless ways. I’ve been able to help small businesses and people that are struggling to keep afloat during this . And I have tested and pushed myself harder than I thought possible.
I started reflecting this past month as I approached my one year work anniversary and asking “was the first year successful?” Then I asked myself, “what does success mean to me?” Success definitely means something very different to me than it meant a year ago. It’s no longer about job titles, income or how many clients and followers you have. It’s about working as hard as you can and knowing you are working as hard as you can but you keeping working harder. It’s knowing that you are not and will never be perfect, but you were going to do everything you can to keep learning and growing. And finally, it’s doing something you love and doing something that you believe matters. So, was my first year a success? Yes, it definitely was.
Thanks again to everyone for their support this year! #JeronimosFirstYear